Safe Alternatives to Smoking Cigarettes


Ready to quit smoking?  Here are some safe alternatives designed to help successfully quit smoking.  This time for good!

Cigarettes have very harmful effects on the lives of millions of people around the world. They are responsible for taking millions of lives every year.  The awareness in current times calls for a movement away from this harmful commodity.  We will discover safe alternatives to smoking cigarettes that can help you rid yourself of that nasty habit.

Cigarettes and Addiction

The issue that we see looming over the horizon is the fact that there are millions and billions who are addicted to nicotine and smoking. This makes it difficult for them to leave or quit the habit. However many alternatives to smoking come along, people still find it difficult to get rid of their addiction. The majority of the time, the alternatives do not last long or they do not create the right effect that helps a regular smoker quit.

So far, according to the various researches that have been conducted it has been found that vaping with a controlled amount of nicotine can actually help curb the cravings for a cigarette.

How Harmful is Smoking a Cigarette?

Cigarettes contain more than 400 harmful chemical compounds, even metallic compounds that do not deserve a place in the human body. In addition, once you light a cigarette several other chemical compounds are produced from combustion which adds to the harmful substances that accumulate in your lungs. These metals then create a sticky tar in your lungs and ultimately damage your respiratory system. But this is only the tip of the volcano, there are hundreds of other medical issues that occur due to smoking!

Some of the most common diseases that can result because of smoking are:

Heart Problems

Many smokers are of the opinion that they are jeopardizing their respiratory health alone, but what they are not aware of is that they are also hurting their cardio system. The lack of oxygen in the blood due to damaged lungs can cause the arteries carrying blood to shrink, which will ultimately affect the blood supply throughout the body. Lack of proper blood supply throughout the body can cause severe damage to the body organs and create a catastrophic effect on the body.

Damaging the Immune System

Smokers face a very difficult situation when it comes to their immune system. The immune system becomes really very weak and its ability to fight off germs and infections to prevent diseases is inhibited and causes them to fall prey more often. The healthy red blood cells within the body are severely damaged and they prevent white blood cell formation as well. This lowers the immunity of the body against foreign germs and infections.

Abnormal Blood Clotting

This is a part and parcel of a smoker's life. The blood due to lack of fresh oxygen has lower fresh red blood cells, which thickens the blood and ultimately causes clots to occur throughout the body. This can lead to paralysis in the limbs and brain leading to other severe medical conditions. The clotting can also cause abnormal bleeding within that can rupture arteries and veins leading to internal organ damage.

It is important to find safe alternatives to smoking cigarettes immediately!

Quitting is a Game of Willpower?

Nicotine is extremely addictive because of the dopamine addiction in our brain.  It must come as no surprise that quitting cigarettes is the most difficult task ever. It will require medication to help in ridding of nicotine addiction. The powerful sensation that smoking gives is ultimately a game of mind.

Mentally if a person is set on quitting smoking and adopting an alternative to smoking methods, they can get rid of their addiction. But in the case they themselves are not mentally prepared then that person can never quit. Quitting requires a lot of mental strength. Failure can lead to temporary quitting and eventually back to smoking.  This may make a person feel like quitting smoking is impossible. This weakens or loss of mindset can result in failure.

The medication will help for a short time but once the medications stop and the person is not ready to quit then they will revert back to smoking.  So that can be very counterproductive.

A Safe Alternative to Smoking

Popular and safe alternatives to smoking cigarettes include a variety of different methods for deriving nicotine to the body.  Things like:

  • Nicorette Gum
  • Lozenges
  • Nicotine Patches

These have become popular and safe alternatives to smoking cigarettes. They use flavors instead of actual tobacco which only deliver nicotine and not the harmful chemicals found in combustible cigarettes.

Although, whichever safe alternatives to smoking are used, they ultimately become unsatisfactory for the people who are looking to quit smoking.  Most smokers tend to switch back to cigarettes, making it all the more difficult to quit. Though it requires a lot of effort from the person who is looking to quit, alternatives to smoking that give the same levels of pleasure have been nonexistent until now.

Introducing the Vape Alternative

Vaping has become widely popular and has gained a huge amount of attention as a safe alternative to smoking cigarettes. Vaping as an alternative closely resembles traditional smoking in just about every way. Great for those quitting smoking but enjoy blowing clouds that smoking cigarettes produce. This alternative to smoking is becoming the best device to help smokers quit for good!

Vaping is just not about quitting nicotine, it's more than that, a satisfying activity, which produces flavorful clouds that do not damage you or people around you. You can choose the flavors that you want and the hits that vaping devices create are fulfilling enough for any smoker to let go of his or her addiction and start vaping.

Vaping is like no other alternative to smoking.

  • Simulates real combustible smoke.
  • Vaping satisfies the oral fixation
  • Vapes Deliver Real Nicotine
  • Vapor Does Not Contain Harmful Chemicals
  • USP Liquid: E-Liquids are made from Food Grade Solutions

In addition, you can control your nicotine content.  You can start out with higher nicotine levels and slowly decrease to zero nicotine content E-Liquids.

If you're just getting started then take a look at some of our beginner vape device suggestions:



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