Post tutorial for freelancers.

  1. Please click here below to register our site first, and give me your registered username or Email address. So that we will give you the permissions to login our site and post.
    best vape press 1 1
  2. After you logged in, please go to this page:
    Click here to add a new blog as below in the picture.
  3. Open the link below and download the Chrome plugin,(please make sure you are using Chrome browser )
    The you need to add the plugin
    After that please click step 1 and then step 2.
    Than the button will be blue and display as below:
  4. open the Excel and click the link to go the blog page.
  5. Copy the Title and paste to the new blog.
  6. Download the image and upload to
    Then “Set featured image “
    Featured image set down as below
  7. Copy the the page from original site to
    and click the “edit” button
    Because the original article time is 5 month ago:
    So you have to change the time in the post on
    Subtract 5 months to get an approximate value.
    If the post time on the original site is An exact value, such as October 25, 2018.
    So you make the same as the exact date with the original site.
  8. please fill in “Vape store press” with the original site name without https just like this:
  9. please make sure there is only 1 link in the article.
  10. paste the original site url as below
  11. Click publish button
  12. check the article and see if it works.
    Because we just copy and paste the article, so sometimes it maybe not display properly like this:
    So we need download the pictures by the plugin again:
    After upload the pictures manually to the backend of
    It is display properly now:
  13. After that, please paste the finished link to the excel:
Now everything is OK!
If you have any questions when you are posting, please contact with me ASAP.